The Pig Roast/Picnic was a huge success! 



Although a sparse group because of the weather, the event was held in the large heated garage of Kathy Dammeyer Wacker with plenty of food, drink, music and reminiscing! Class of ‘67 was able to raise $1,000.00!!!!



Patti Young

Kathy Dammeyer Wacker

Janet Hansen Schlenker

Steve Magyar

Max Cooper

Rodney Eaton

Chuck Lashiey

Pat Greene Seaburn

Linda Axford McClelland

Carol Brennen Standen

Vicki Williams Thorn

Denny Barnes

Helen Heatwole Simonson


Donations from, but unable to attend:

Jim Kean

Robert Parks

Linda Hazlett Donaldson

Marlene Fannin Slosier

Winona Wosicki Botsford

Jim Dobney

Judy Ross Eversole

Judy Hanson Scott

Randy Saxe

Cathy Diedrick Lang

Larry Farnsworth

Sharon Simmons Moore




Tickets were sold for a raffle for a key chain with Tim’s name, date of birth, date of death, and an eagle on the back and that raised $103.00 of the $1000.00 and the winner was Pat Greene Seaburn.


It was voted on that $100.00 of the contribution be tagged to purchase a paver that goes on the walk way leading up to the memorial and it will read.


In loving memory

of Tim Cottrell


High School

Class of ‘67


Thank you so much for everyone’s contribution. The website: is supposed to post pictures of the picnic that one of the memorial representatives took that came to the picnic. And it will also give information on our donation. It will be sometime after this weekend for they are very busy with their 2nd annual steak & clam bake for raising funds for the memorial.


Again everyone’s gifts is much appreciated-Kathy Dammeyer Wacker

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